Caerlee Mills, Innerleithen - Auction
Innerleithen Mills to be sold at auction
It's a sad end to what…
Bing's cheeky response if you search for Google
Bing: Searching for "Google" results in a pop up advert for Bing
Hummingbird - New Google Search Algorithm announced
Hummingbird - Google announce their new search Algorithm
A day…
Vote for our local Innerleithen School in the Bank of Scotland Community Fund
St. Ronan's Primary School - Innerleithen
We know how important…
How to set up Google Authorship so your picture shows in Google Search Results
Google Authorship and Author Rank
Google Authorship and rel="author"…
How to add an extra CSS file to your Genesis Framework
Genesis Framework.
We use and love the Genesis Framework by…
Compfight - Flickr search for Creative Commons license Images
Creative Commons license search tool - Compfight
Blogging involves…
Innerleithen Holiday Lets - New Website Design & Hosting
Innerleithen Holiday Lets Web site
Innerleithen Holiday Lets…
Feedly and Buffer - Essential News and Social Media Scheduling Tools
News Feed Readers & Social Media Scheduling Apps
Do you…
Facebook Algorithm Updated - No more begging for likes or crappy memes
Facebook Algorithm updated to reduce Like begging and crappy…
Buffer now lets you share to Google+ pages
Fantastic news Google+ has now been added as a feed to Buffer.
Has Google penalised my site?
Google release a new tool to check if they have penalised your…