Buffer now lets you share to Google+ pages
Fantastic news Google+ has now been added as a feed to Buffer.
Our favourite posts scheduling app Buffer has just been updated with the Google+ API and you can now schedule your posts to Google+ as well as Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter.
The email has just dropped in to our Inbox and as with the feeds, connecting to Google+ was easy and took a matter of seconds.
Here’s the Buffer announcement about Google+
An unbelievable 3,613 people voted on a particular item in our feedback forum for which feature we should build next.
It has been holding the #1 spot as most requested feature from our users for almost 2 years. We couldn’t be any more excited to finally unveil it to everyone.
Buffer is now available for Google+ Pages. Anyone can now easily hook up their Google+ page and start posting and scheduling great content through Buffer to keep your Google+ Page up to date.
And they have written a guide with lots of pictures to help you add Google+ to your Buffer http://blog.bufferapp.com/introducing-buffer-for-google-plus-pages-scheduling-posting-social-media
Not using Buffer?
Well you should. Buffer is a great way to quickly and easily schedule your posts to Twitter, LinkedIn, Twitter & now Google+. By installing their Google Chrome app, when you spot a story or image you would like to post about. just click the Buffer icon and that’s it. If you want to change, add or edit the wording then that’s easy as well.
You can set up multiple posting schedules for each Social Media Feed. So say twice a day for Twitter and once for Facebook. It really is a fantastic and best of all it is completely FREE!
Here’s that link again… bufferapp.com